Rachael Han
来源: | 作者:译梦骑士 | 发布时间: 2017-12-05 | 2401 次浏览 | 分享到:
超过5年的同传经验,具有专业的生物科学背景,擅长金融、生物医药、网路安全、信息技术、文化礼仪、外贸、教育、房地产等领域的翻译,其中以生物医药为最。曾为乔治华盛顿大学城市规划与发展专业研讨会、长安标致雪铁龙、建银国际、索拉太阳能有限公司、亚洲国际电力博览会、连州国际摄影展、CTI华测检测、Quartic Training、泰科电子、深圳智慧城市研究院等公司和活动提供专业的翻译服务。
2015/3/24           云南省政府研究院产业发展处制药产业园洽谈会      
                         Negotiation on pharmaceutical park, Industrial Development Division, YDRC
2015/3/20           英中贸易协会”迈向国际”研讨会广州站              
                         CBBC “China Outbound” series seminar - Guangzhou
2015/1/26            深圳市信经委科技中心研讨会                  
                         Shenzhen Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology “Hitech Hub” Seminar
2015/1/23-24         中英医疗信息化研讨会暨英国优质数字医疗展示   
                         China-UK Digital Health Demonstration
2014/11/18           英中贸易协会”迈向国际”研讨会                 
                          CBBC “China Outbound” series seminar
2014/11/12            中国(广州)国际纪录片节                    
                           Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival
2014/10/30-31       途强公司新品设计洽谈会                       
                          TourRun product design negotiation   
2014/10/23           英国Kapok供应链洽谈会                       
                           Kapok 88 supply chain negotiation
2014/10/15           福思康姆股权谈判                             
                           Foscam shareholding negotiation
2014/9/22-14        巴斯与东北萨默塞珠三角区投洽会                    
                           Bath and NE Sommerset Investment Trade Meetings in Pearl River Delta
2014/9/19            蓝岸通讯产品发布会                               
                         Bluebank Production Release Conference               
2014/9/11            中国企业国际化及境外投资路演深圳站               
                         China Outbound Roadshow - Shenzhen
2014/9/10            英中贸易协会智慧城市代表团与深圳市副市长会晤     
                         Meeting between China-Britain Business Council and Vice Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal Government
2014/9/5             英国Advance市场及项目管理研讨会          
                          British Advance Marketing and project management seminar
2014/6/12            曼彻斯特空港城全球路演晚宴                      
                          Manchester Airport City World Roadshow Gala
2014/6/11            英国HF CONTRACTS老年家具座谈会        
                          British HF Contracts Senior Furniture Symposium
2014/5/26            英国智慧城市首届论坛(深圳)                 
                          The 1st British Smart City Forum (Shenzhen)
2014/5/23-24         马来西亚移动通信公司                       
                           Malaysia Telecom Co. Ltd.
2014/5/15            ABB智能交通自动化                          
                          ABB Intelligent Transport Automation         
2014/5/14            泽西国际商学院                            
                           Jersey International Business School                                  
2014/5/10            丰田(佛山)橡塑中日印三方洽谈培训       
                          Toyota(Foshan) Rubber and Plastic tripartite negotiation and training
2014/4/24-25          第一届中国储能大会                         
                           The 1st China Energy Storing Forum
2014/4/22-23         欧洲纺织品回收有限公司                     
                           European Textile Recycling Co.Ltd             
2014/4/18            2014深圳医疗器械博览会某韩国企业           
                           2014 Shenzhen CMEF
2014/4/16            英国TruffleShuffle有限公司                  
                          British TruffleShuffle Co.Ltd                 
2014/4/8-9           深圳英中贸易协会英国科技代表团             
                           China Britain Business Council Science and Technology Delegation
2014/4/6-7            深圳第三节制汇节Maker Faire                
                            Shenzhen 3rd Maker Faire
2014/3/11-13         深圳-雅典食品代表团企业洽谈会              
                           Shenzhen-Athens Food representatives Conference
2014/3/10            富士康冷却塔水质净化专题研讨会             
                           Foxconn Cooling Tower Water Purification Seminar
2014/3/3-6            Introbotix2014年新品推介会                  
                            Introbotix 2014 News Briefing and Academic report
2014/1/24            联创彩亮电子有限公司                        
                           Shenzhen lccl electric Co. Ltd.
2014/1/11            中泰生殖医学暨泰国医疗旅游论坛             
                           China-Thailand Reproductive Medicine and Tourism Forum
2013/12/9            WTO与深圳高级论坛                        
                           WTO and Shenzhen Forum
2013/10/28           美国RIZE索具公司中方洽谈会                
                            U.S. Rize Investment Fair
2013/10/23           第四届重芳烃及混合芳烃市场峰会             
                           The fourth Heavy Aromatics and BTX Aromatics Summit
2013/10/13-16       2013秋季香港电子展                         
                            2013 Autumn Hong Kong Electronics Fare
2013/10/8            香港利丰集团整合报告会                     
                           Hong Kong Li& Fung Group Integrated Report
2013/9/20            武汉生化外包项目交流大会                   
                           Wuhan Biochemical Outsourcing Conference
2013/7-9             深圳格瑞谱酒业                             
                          Shenzhen Grape Wine Co. Ltd.
2013/5-10            利华成衣集团精益生产培训                   
                           Lever Style Garment Group ( Lean manufacturing training)
2013/4-20-23          劢辉(东莞)电子及模具生产有限公司           
                             MyFuture(Dongguan) Electronic and Modeling Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
2013/4/17-20         深圳医疗器械博览会                         
                            2014 Shenzhen CMEF
2013/4/12-16          深圳格瑞特电子技术有限公司                 
                            Shenzhen Greatsheep Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd,.
2013/4/9              深圳南山中加国际英文学校                    
                           China-Canada International School of Nanshan Shenzhen
2013/3/12            长安标致雪铁龙新闻发布会                    
                            ChangAn PSA Peugeot Citroen news press
2013/1/30-31         任子行网络技术股份有限公司                  
                            Surfilter Network Technology Co. Ltd.
2012/12-2013/1       美国泰科电子(东莞)有限公司                
                             TE Connectivity (Dongguan)
2012/12/20           广汽零部件质量检查商务谈判                   
                           GAC Group components’ quality inspection negotiation
2012/9/6-7           第五届亚洲国际酒店投资峰会                   
                          The 5th Asian International Hotel Investment Summit
2012/9               澳大利亚维多利亚州千人代表团                 
                         Official Delegation from Victoria, Australia
2012/7-12           深圳中国成人教育协会南方教育中心              
                           Adult Educational Institution of Southern China (Shenzhen)
2012/8/21           英国QT特许金融分析师培训亚洲分部            
                           Quartic Training (Britain) Chartered Financial Analyst Training
2012/6               希瓦瑜伽                                     
                          Siva Yoga
2012/4/15            汇丰银行广州天河城支行                        
                           HSBC, Tianhe district, Guangzhou
2012/3/18           澳际国际教育展(深圳站)                      
                           Aoji (Shenzhen) Educational Group Exhibition Fair
2012/2/23-25        2012年中国清洁能源峰会暨中国国际清洁能源博览会    
                            2012 China Clean Energy Expo
2011/12/20          澳门银行内部会议                              
                           Internal conference of a bank in Macao
2011/12-14          中国(深圳)国际物流与交通运输博览会          
                           China(Shenzhen) International Logistics and Transportation Fair 
2011/5/6-8          第一届中澳(深圳)全科医学学术交流论坛         
                          The First China-Australia (Shenzhen) General Practice Academic Forum
2011/4/19           中国高端成品社区亚洲设计师峰会                 
                           Chinese High-end community Asian Designer Summit
2011/3/19            启德教育第18届教育及考试博览会                
                          The 18th EIC International(Shenzhen) Educational Group Exhibition and Foreign Examinations Fair
2010/10-11          深圳市凱富利电子科技有限公司                   
                           Shenzhen Kvnet Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.