来源: | 作者:译梦骑士 | 发布时间: 2019-03-08 | 3489 次浏览 | 分享到:


4. We will stimulate the development of a robust domestic market and keep unlocking the potential of domestic demand.

We will fully leverage the basic role of consumption and the key role of investment, ensure steady effective domestic demand, and thus boost stable economic performance.


We will promote steady growth in consumption.

We will use a combination of measures to increase urban and rural personal incomes and boost capacity for consumption. We will fully implement the revised Individual Income Tax Law to see that approximately 80 million taxpayers to whom reductions apply get the most out of these policies. We will adapt to new changes in consumption needs, use multiple avenues to increase the supply of quality products and services, and act faster to resolve problems and difficulties blocking the entry of private investment.

The number of people aged 60 in China and above has now reached 250 million. We will take significant steps to develop elderly care, especially community elderly care services. We will provide support to institutions offering services in the community like day care, rehabilitation care, and assisted meals and assisted mobility using measures such as tax and fee cuts and exemptions, funding support, and reduced charges for water, electricity, gas, and heating. New residential areas should include facilities for community elderly care services. We will reform and refine policies for integrating medical and elderly care services, and extend trials for long-term care insurance. Only when the elderly live happily can the young have a future to look forward to.

Infant and child care is important to millions of families. In response to the new demands created by the full implementation of the two-child policy, we will move faster to develop various types of infant and child care services, encourage private actors to run childcare and early childhood education agencies, and provide better protection for the safety of our children.

We will develop and strengthen the tourism industry. To maintain steady automobile consumption, we will continue preferential policies on the purchase of new-energy vehicles. We will develop new forms and models of consumption, and promote the growth of both online and offline consumption. We will improve logistics networks in rural areas and support the development of e-commerce and express delivery services. We will strengthen the protection of consumers’ rights and interests, and ensure worry-free and convenient consumption.


We will expand effective investment as appropriate.

We will closely follow national development strategies and accelerate the implementation of a number of key projects. 800 billion yuan will be invested in railway construction, 1.8 trillion yuan will be invested in road construction and waterway projects, and work will start on a number of major water conservancy projects. We will speed up planning and construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, and boost infrastructure investment for intercity transportation, logistics, utilities, disaster prevention and mitigation, and civil and general aviation. We will further develop next-generation information infrastructure. This year, 577.6 billion yuan is included in the central government budget for related investment, an increase of 40 billion yuan on last year.

We will explore new forms of project financing, lower as appropriate capital contribution requirements for infrastructure projects, make good use of developmental financial instruments, and attract more private capital into projects in key areas. We will see that policies to encourage private investment are implemented, and take systematic steps to strengthen cooperation between the government and private capital

The government must set an example in acting in good faith and honoring contracts; new officials must not be allowed to get away with ignoring obligations undertaken by predecessors. Over 50 percent of overdue payments to enterprises must be made by the end of the year, and new arrears are impermissible.


5. We will make solid progress in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization and move closer to completing the tasks of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

We will continue to prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, strengthen both poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and ensure that the poverty alleviation goals are achieved and rural living standards reach the level of moderate prosperity in all respects according to plan.


We will beat poverty with precision alleviation.

We will give priority to our work of seeing that the basic living needs of rural poor populations are met and that such people have access to compulsory education, basic medical services, and housing. We will intensify poverty alleviation in areas of extreme poverty like the “three regions and three prefectures,” and ensure social safeguards for the most vulnerable groups.

Eradicating poverty and achieving prosperity cannot be achieved without the support of industries. We will do more to support impoverished areas in developing businesses that leverage local strengths.

We will launch an initiative to address school dropout rates and ensure attendance, and achieve clear reductions in rural student dropout rates in poor areas. We will continue to increase the size of special enrollment quotas at key universities for students from rural and poor areas, and make full use of the fundamental role of education in stopping poverty from being passed on to the next generation.

We will move toward completion of the 13th Five-Year Plan’s construction tasks for planned relocations of poor populations from inhospitable areas, and strengthen follow-up support. Support policies that apply to counties and populations that have recently been lifted out of poverty will be maintained for a period to consolidate progress in poverty alleviation. We will improve evaluation and oversight, and ensure that the results of special inspections on poverty alleviation by central government inspection teams serve their intended purpose. The further we get in the crucial stage of the fight, the greater the need, in every aspect of our work, to tackle real problems with attention paid to details, to be certain to deliver substantive, sustainable outcomes that stand the test of time.


We will improve agriculture, particularly grain production.

We must ensure, through our efforts, food supply for close to 1.4 billion people of China. To this end, we will keep grain output stable, and increase the area of high- standard cropland by no less than 5.33 million hectares. We will ensure that the production of hogs and other types of livestock, and poultry, remains stable, and strengthen the prevention and control of epidemics and diseases like African swine fever.

We will speed up reform and innovation in agricultural technologies, make a big push to develop a modern seed industry, implement programs to protect agricultural products with geographical indications, and advance the mechanization of entire agricultural production processes. We will foster new types of agricultural businesses such as family farms and farmer cooperatives, improve commercial services catering to small agricultural households, and develop a diverse range of large-scale agricultural operations.

We will provide support to people who are returning or moving to the countryside to start businesses or pursue innovations, and promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. Income from nonagricultural work plays a big part in increasing rural incomes. We must address at the root wage arrears owed to rural migrant workers, act fast to draw up government regulations specifically with this aim, and make sure that our hard-working rural migrant workers get the pay they have earned on time.


We will take solid steps to upgrade rural infrastructure.

We will adopt sound development plans to significantly improve living and working conditions. Implementation will be accelerated of programs to consolidate and build on progress already made in providing safe drinking water in rural areas. Remaining problems in access to safe drinking water will be resolved within two years so that an additional 60 million rural residents have access to safe drinking water. The new round of rural power grid upgrading will be completed. We will work to improve rural living environments in light of local conditions, make progress in the Toilet Revolution, and improve garbage and sewage treatment to build a beautiful countryside.


We will deepen comprehensive rural reforms.

We will expand the rural land requisitions, purposes, and reforming use of practices proven successful through trials of marketing rural collective land for development the system of rural residential land.

We will deepen reforms relating to collective property rights, forest tenure, state forestry areas and farms, state farms, and supply and marketing cooperatives. We will reform and improve the agricultural protection and support system, refine the market-based pricing mechanism for grains, and expand trial reforms on policy-based agricultural insurance. Rural reforms will be deepened, and all these efforts will without doubt inject new vitality in China’s vast countryside.


6. We will promote coordinated development across regions and improve the quality of new urbanization.

To address unbalanced insufficient development, we will reform and refine the relevant mechanisms and policies to enable regions to complement each other with their respective strengths and promote integrated urban-rural development.


We will improve the layout of development for all our regions.

To promote development and opening-up in the west of China, we will adopt new policies and measures and continue current policies like corporate income tax relief for the region on their expiration. Reforms and innovative measures will be implemented and improved to facilitate northeast China’s full revitalization, central China’s rise, and east China’s trailblazing development.

In pursuing integrated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, we will give priority to relieving Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital and on developing the Xiongan New Area according to high standards.

In developing the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, we will work to ensure the implementation of plans, achieving compatibility between each region’s rules, and facilitating flows of factors of production and the movement of people.

We will elevate the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to the status of national strategy and design and implement an overall development plan.

In the development of the Yangtze Economic Belt, we will continue to pursue coordinated development along the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the river, and strengthen both the protection and restoration of ecosystems and the development of a comprehensive transportation system, to create a belt of quality economic development.

We will support economic transformation in resource-depleted areas. We will move faster to strengthen development in old revolutionary base areas, areas with large ethnic minority populations, border areas, and poor areas to help them catch up. We will develop the blue economy, protect the marine environment, and strengthen China’s maritime development.


We will advance new urbanization.

We will continue to stimulate the development of city clusters through the development of leading cities. We will make more progress in granting permanent urban residency to people who have moved to cities from the countryside and work toward making basic urban public services cover all permanent urban residents.

We will better address people’s housing needs, require local governments to shoulder primary responsibility, reform and improve housing market and support systems, and sustain the steady and healthy development of real estate markets. We will continue to build government-subsidized housing and rebuild rundown urban areas to meet the basic housing needs of disadvantaged groups.

Old residential areas in cities are large in both number and area. We will make a big push toward their regeneration, update their roads, water, power, and gas supplies and other supporting infrastructure; support the installation of elevators; and improve amenities like markets, convenience stores, pedestrian streets, parking lots, and barrier-free access facilities.

New urbanization should be people-centered in every respect: we need to be better at conducting flexible governance and providing thoughtfully-designed services to make our cities more livable and give them a more inclusive and welcoming feel.


7. We will strengthen pollution prevention and control, enhance ecological improvement, and make big advances in green development.

Green development is a critical element of modernizing an economy; it is also a fundamental solution to pollution. We will reform and refine relevant systems, and pursue both high-quality development and environmental protection.


We will keep intensifying efforts to prevent and control pollution.

Gains made in the fight to keep our skies blue will be consolidated and expanded. This year, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions will be cut by 3 percent, and there will be a continuous decline in PM2.5 density in key areas. We will continue to curb air pollution in and around the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, in the Yangtze River Delta, and in the Fenhe-Weihe River Plain area. We will make stronger moves to tackle three major sources of pollution: industrial production, coal used as fuel, and motor vehicles. We will make a good job of promoting clean heating in northern China and ensure people’s homes are warm for the winter.

Water and soil pollution prevention and control will be strengthened, and this year, we will achieve a 2-percent drop in both chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions. Work to clean up black, malodorous water bodies will be accelerated; comprehensive measures will be taken to improve the environment in key river basins and offshore areas. We will step up sorting in solid waste and urban garbage disposal.

As the primary actors in pollution prevention and control, enterprises must fulfill their responsibility of protecting the environment according to law. We need to reform and find new approaches to environmental governance. While we must conduct oversight over enterprises in compliance with laws and regulations, we must also heed their justified concerns and provide better assistance and guidance to them. Enterprises that need to take measures to meet standards should be given a reasonable grace period to do so, and we must avoid handling things in a simplistic and crude way or just shutting firms down to be done with it. When enterprises have both motivation themselves and external pressure, our work to prevent and control pollution is certain to produce more effective results.


We will strengthen green and environmental protection industries.

We will quicken the pace of upgrading in thermal power, steel, and other industries to achieve ultra-low emissions, and enforce upgrades in heavy-polluting sectors to achieve compliance with standards. We will promote cleaner use of coal, and work faster to address the problem of idle capacity in wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. The development of sewer networks and treatment facilities in urban areas will be sped up. We will boost resource conservation and recycling and encourage the construction of eco-friendly buildings.

We will reform and improve environmental economic policies, accelerate the development of green finance, develop leading enterprises specializing in environmental protection, and enhance our capacity for green development.


We will step up efforts to protect and restore ecosystems.

We will press ahead with trials to conserve and restore the ecosystems of mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, farmland, and grassland. We will continue to strengthen afforestation, desertification prevention and control, the prevention of soil erosion, and the protection of biodiversity. Reform of the national parks system will be deepened

Promoting green development is down to every last one of us; its success hinges on action and commitment. We must all work together to create a beautiful and livable environment for our people.


8. We will deepen reforms in key sectors and speed up the improvement of market mechanisms.

We will focus on resolving acute problems and strengthening key links, deepen relevant reforms, make our systems and mechanisms better able to promote high-quality development, and fully unlock market dynamism and social creativity.


We will accelerate state capital and SOE reforms.

We will strengthen and improve the regulation of state assets, and continue to conduct trial reforms to establish state capital investment and management companies, so as to maintain and increase the value of state assets. Reforms to introduce mixed ownership will be actively but prudently advanced.

We will improve corporate governance structures, make their operating mechanisms market-based, and introduce measures and practices such as hiring professional managers.

We will work in accordance with law to address “zombie enterprises.”

Reforms will be deepened in sectors including power, oil and natural gas, and railways. In natural monopoly industries, network ownership and operation will be separated in light of the specific conditions of these industries to make the competitive aspects of their operations fully market based. SOEs should get stronger and healthier through reform and innovation to continue increasing their vitality and core competitiveness.


We will work for big improvements in the development environment for the private sector.

We will uphold the “two no irresolutions” principle, and encourage, support, and guide the development of the non- public sector. We will follow the principle of competitive neutrality, so that when it comes to access to factors of production, market access and licenses, business operations, government procurement, public biddings, and so on, enterprises under all forms of ownership will be treated on an equal footing.

We will foster a new type of cordial and clean relationship between government and business, improve mechanisms for their communication, inspire entrepreneurial spirit, and promote development and upgrading in the private sector.

In the protection of property rights, we must be firm and unwavering Infringements on property rights will be dealt with in accordance with law and any wrongly adjudicated cases will be corrected. We will strive to create a positive business environment in which entrepreneurs can be free of concerns in doing business and running companies.


We will deepen reforms of the fiscal, taxation, and financial systems.

We will take further reform measures to make budgets more transparent, and promote reform efforts to clearly define the respective fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities of central and local governments. We will improve local tax systems and prudently advance legislation on real estate tax. We will improve the mechanisms by which local governments secure financing.

We will reform and improve the structure of the financial system, and develop private and community banks, to better serve the real economy. We will reform and improve the basic systems of the capital market to promote the healthy and steady development of multi-tiered capital markets. The proportion of direct financing, particularly equity financing, will be increased. The insurance sector’s role in protecting against risk will be enhanced. We will strengthen monitoring, early warnings, mitigation, and control of financial risks.

China’s fiscal and financial systems are on the whole stable, and we have many policy tools available, so we are fully capable of ensuring that no systemic risks will emerge.


9. We will promote all-round opening-up and foster new strengths in international economic cooperation and competition.

We will open more sectors and improve the layout of opening-up, continue to promote opening-up based on flows of goods and factors of production, and give greater emphasis to opening-up based on rules and related institutions, driving an all-round deepening of reforms through high-standard opening-up.


We will promote stable and higher-quality growth of foreign trade.

We will work to diversify export markets. We will expand the coverage of export credit insurance, and reform and improve support policies for new forms of business such as cross-border e-commerce. We will encourage innovative development in service trade, guide the transformation and upgrading of processing trade and its shift to the central and western regions, and give better play to the role of integrated bonded areas. The import mix will be improved and imports will be actively expanded. We will host the second China International Import Expo. We will step up efforts to facilitate customs clearance.


We will do more to attract foreign investment.

We will further relax controls over market access, shorten the negative list for foreign investment, and permit wholly foreign funded enterprises to operate in more sectors. We will implement reform and opening-up measures in the financial and other sectors, and improve policies on opening the bond market. We will further align our policies with internationally accepted trade rules, enhance policy transparency and consistency in implementation, and create a fair and impartial market environment where Chinese and foreign companies are treated as equals and engage in fair competition. We will strengthen efforts to protect foreign investors’ legitimate rights and interests.

We will grant greater autonomy to pilot free trade zones to carry out reform and innovation, expand the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, step up the building of the China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, and explore the opening of a free trade port with Chinese features. We will support national-level economic development zones, new- and high-tech development zones, and new areas in implementing trial reforms pioneered and developed in pilot free trade zones, so that they can better lead their surrounding areas and grow into pacesetters of reform and opening-up. China’s investment environment is all set to get better and better, which means more and more business opportunities for foreign companies in China are a sure thing.


We will promote the joint pursuit of the BRI.

We will adhere to the principle of pursuing shared growth through discussion and collaboration and observe market principles and international rules. We will see that enterprises are the main actors, advance infrastructural connectivity, strengthen international cooperation on production capacity, and expand third-party market cooperation. We will host the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. We will work to ensure the healthy and orderly growth of outbound investment and international cooperation.


We will promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation.

China is committed to safeguarding economic globalization and free trade, and is actively involved in the reform of the World Trade Organization. We will accelerate the establishment of a network of high-standard free trade areas, advance negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the China-Japan-RoK Free Trade Agreement, and the China-EU Investment Agreement, and continue to promote China-US trade negotiations. China is committed to mutually beneficial cooperation, win-win development and settling trade disputes through discussion as equals. We faithfully honor our commitments and are resolute in safeguarding our lawful rights and interests.